DTRAK Terms of Use

By using the DTRAK (we, us, our) website, you agree to comply with these Terms of Use, which include the DTRAK Application Service Agreement. Here after, Terms of Use is deemed to include the DTRAK Application Service Agreement. We may change these Terms of Use at our discretion and without notice. By continuing to use this website you accept the Terms of Use as they apply from time to time.

Intellectual property rights

Unless otherwise indicated, we own the copyright and other intellectual property rights in the content of this website. Please don't infringe those rights. While you may browse or print the content for non-commercial, personal or internal business use, you must obtain our prior written permission if you'd like to use, copy or reproduce any part of the website for any other purpose.

All trade marks appearing on this website belong to their respective owners.

General information and not legal advice

The content on our website is intended only to provide a summary and general overview on matters of interest. It is not intended to be comprehensive, nor to constitute advice. You should always obtain legal or other professional advice, appropriate to your own circumstances, before acting or relying on any of that content.

Use of this website, or the receipt of any information from us or this website, is not intended to create, nor does it create, a consultant-client relationship between us.


Although we aim to ensure the content on this website is up-to-date, there may be delays, errors or omissions that could affect its currency or accuracy. We may change the content on this website at any time without notice. Also, as the internet is inherently insecure, we can't guarantee the security of data contained on the website.

The website and its content are provided entirely "as is". We exclude all implied conditions and warranties with respect to the website and its content, excluding any implied condition or warranty the exclusion of which would breach any statute or cause any part of this paragraph to be void.

Your use of this website, and your reliance on its content, is entirely at your own risk. In particular, we exclude our liability to you (including because of our negligence) for any lost profit, lost opportunity, lost revenue, lost data, losses resulting from security failure or computer viruses, or any indirect or consequential loss, resulting from your use of our website or its content. For all other types of loss, our total liability to you (including because of our negligence) resulting from your use of this website or its content is limited in aggregate to $1.

If, despite the previous two paragraphs, a court says that we are liable to you, that liability will be limited (at our election) to either re-supplying the affected service or content to you or refunding what you have paid us for it.

Third party links

Our website (or social media websites on which we maintain a presence) may contain links to other sites over which we have no control. Those links are provided for your convenience only, and we are not responsible for their use, effect or content.

We make no representations or warranties as to, and accept no responsibility for, the accuracy of information on those sites, nor do we endorse any information, opinions, goods or services referred to on them.

Password secrecy

We may choose to issue you with a username and password to enable you to access particular features on our website. If we do, you must keep those details confidential (and you are responsible for their misuse if you don't).

Posting comments

Our website may enable you to post comments (for example, on blogs, forums or other public areas). You are responsible for all comments that you post (or that are posted using your username and password).

You must not post any comment that:

  • is inflammatory (commonly referred to as 'trolling');
  • is xenophobic, racist, abusive, harassing or hateful;
  • is obscene, sexually explicit or pornographic, or contains links to other sites that contain or promote obscene, sexually explicit or pornographic material;
  • is false, defamatory, inaccurate, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or constitutes personal abuse directed at other users; and
  • constitutes commercial advertising, the promotion of gambling or the promotion of your own site (commonly referred to as 'spamming');
  • infringes someone else's copyright, or
  • violates any Australian law.

Applicable law

These Terms of Use, and your use of our website, are governed by the laws of Victoria, Australia.


You can read our Privacy Policy here.